What does sustainability mean for you?
Probably many of you will instinctively think of a responsible choice of suppliers and a control of the production chain capable of guaranteeing its ethics. And we couldn't agree more. We have always chosen our partners with great care and the gold used by Nanis is RJC (Responsible Jewelry Council) certified, and comes from non-in conflict areas. For us, it couldn't be otherwise.

That said, we believe that sustainability has also another face.

For us, first of all, it means “supporting”. Specifically, supporting the people who make our company possible. And what does it mean to support? It means following, educating, making people feel part of a bigger project. It means investing in what has the most value: people. Sharing with them every knowledge, every doubt, every goal. It means asking for advice. This is why we talk so much about the "Nanis family". Only in this way, in our opinion, a business can truly be defined sustainable and lasting. And that is why we are proud to have, in the company, people who have been with us for years, some for decades!
Like Alessandro, who joined the company in 1998 as an apprentice and is now responsible of the production cycle. Or Fabio, our Operations Manager, with us for over 10 years! O Annachiara, at the head of our Shipping Dept! And the list could go on!

SUPPORTING these people is one of the greatest joys of this adventure called Nanis, which would not exist without them, as our Laura always like to underline:

Our vision of sustainability is then closely linked to education, for which we feel extremely responsible. Before being a company, we are lovers of beauty, of the "well done", of our extraordinary Made in Italy. And as artisans we feel the duty, indeed the privilege, to hand down and SUPPORT this immense artistic and cultural heritage that is the Italian goldsmith's art. In our artisan factory, we teach ancient techniques, which are mastered only after years of training (such as the hand engraving hand with a special tool called burin) and of which we feel depositary and responsible.

This is the sustainability we like: a concrete, real, human concept. A mission to which not only companies, but also consumers can play an active role, through their choices.
And it is with this spirit that we also ask you to SUPPORT the savoir faire: craftsmanship that marries talent and beauty, the past that meets the present becoming timeless.